What is Harm Reduction?
Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.
Our Program
THe BAND | THE Ministry | THE Movement
The LOT Ministry is a faith-based, peer-led approach to outreach that combines the principles of harm reduction with the practices of the church.
Inspired by our own experiences growing up in “the Black church,” The LOT Ministry taps into our roots of being a beacon of light and a source of help for those most in need.
The Lot Ministry Program Includes:
Community + Street Outreach
Through our outreach efforts, we collect & organize donations to make care kits that we distribute to organizations that serve the unhoused. Additionally, we host quarterly resource fairs and perform annual community wellness checks.
Faith-Based Peer Support
While not a church, we believe in the importance of spiritual education, exploration, and expression in one’s recovery. Through monthly services, we here from spiritual leaders/teachers and share our experiences through the arts, storytelling, & worship.
Harm Reduction Education & Resources
Informing our community of the options and resources available to them to reduce harm to themselves and/or their loved ones is our top priority. As a registered Narcan distributor & Peer Educators, our goal is to alleviate, educate, and elevate.